Morning Coffee

I know you see this title and believe that I’ll be talking about your favorite coffee blends, and I can see a lot of you thinking hmm I wonder what his favorite coffee blend is.  But sad to say I Have no clue, I’ve had coffee at least 5 times and I can say that The Starbucks Blondie blend is my F av. This post is about, what is the most important thing you grab in the morning and most say coffee because it wakes me up and gives me that drive for the day. You do this everyday throughout of the years. So why is coffee the most important thing you grab in the morning? It picks you up preps you for the day gives you confidence that this is going to be a good day. (Good coffee = good day) The realty is that we all do this even those who don’t drink coffee, it might be a good breakfast, morning sex, (yes morning sex) or even dropping the kids off at daycare so you can have a few hours of peace and quite LOL, lbs. It took me some time to realize that there is something else in the morning I needed to do to pick me up or drive me it was, looking in the mirror. It’s that simple there is no need for coffee or any of those other things listed to pick you up or drive through the day. Make it a choice or yours to look at yourself in the mirror everyday and say these words “When I become more than just a man (or woman) I become something else” and its your job to find that something else throughout each day.  This is your coffee. This is your drive, the pick me up and everything else.